Leitura Bíblica: Atos 10:36-43
O povo se alegrava com todas as maravilhas que (Jesus Cristo) estava fazendo (Lucas 13:17b).
Isto não acontecia com Jesus. Hoje, lemos um resumo de sua trajetória na terra feito por Pedro. Gostaria de destacar o v. 38: “Deus ungiu a Jesus de Nazaré com o Espírito Santo e poder, e ele andou por toda parte fazendo o bem e curando todos os oprimidos pelo diabo, porque Deus estava com ele”. Sobre Jesus, o autor da carta aos Hebreus ainda declara: “Não temos um sumo sacerdote que não possa compadecer-se das nossas fraquezas, mas sim alguém que, como nós, passou por todo tipo de tentação, porém, sem pecado” (Hebreus 4:15). É verdade, Satanás se empenhou ao máximo para desviar Jesus de sua missão, mas o Filho de Deus não cedeu. Ele sempre optou somente pelo bem.
Qual foi o bem maior que Jesus fez na vida do prezado leitor? Na minha, foi o perdão dos meus pecados (tudo aquilo que desagrada a Deus) e a dádiva da vida eterna. Isto representa a misericórdia, o amor e a grande compaixão de Deus. Não há nenhum mérito de minha parte. É tudo graça sobre graça. E, se ao longo dos anos pude fazer alguma coisa boa, repito, foi pela graça de Deus. Concordo plenamente com o que diz Filipenses 2:13: “É Deus quem efetua em vocês tanto o querer quanto o realizar, de acordo com a boa vontade dele”. – (HM).
Só conseguimos fazer o bem de verdade quando estamos ligados a Cristo.
Do good
Bible reading: Acts 10:36 -43
The people if he was very pleased with all the wonders that (Jesus Christ) was doing (Luke 13:17 (b)).
There are in the human desire to do good. But there are, unfortunately, also tend to do evil. In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul mentions this inner struggle: "I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. Because I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Because what I do is not the good I want, but the evil I do not want to do, that I continued making "(7:18 -19). Like Paul, we must admit that the tendency to evil in the hold, preventing us to do good without ulterior motives.
This was not the case with Jesus. Today, we read a summary of his career in the land made by Pedro. I would like to highlight the v. 38: "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and he walked around doing good and healing all oppressed by the devil, because God was with him." On Jesus, the author of the letter to the Hebrews still declares: "we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who, like us, went through all kinds of temptation, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). Is truth, Satan has worked to divert Jesus in his mission, but the son of God has not relented. He always opted only for the good.
What was the greater good that Jesus did in the life of dear reader? In my, was the forgiveness of my sins (anything that displeases God) and the gift of eternal life. This represents mercy, love and compassion of God. There is no merit on my part. Is all grace on grace. And, over the years I have been able to do something good, I repeat, was by the grace of God. I fully agree with what says Philippians 2:13: "it is God who makes you both want and carry out, in accordance with the good will of him". -(HM).
We only do good of truth when we are connected to Christ.
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