Leitura bíblica:
Todos ficaram cheios do
Espírito Santo (Atos 2.4).
Já no Antigo Testamento os profetas Joel (2.28),
Isaías (44.3) e Ezequiel (36.26-27) anunciaram que um dia o Espírito Santo
seria derramado sobre o povo de Deus. João Batista reafirmou essa promessa
(Marcos 1.8; Mateus 3.1-12) e, finalmente, Jesus confirma que assim aconteceria
(João 7.37-39), rogando inclusive ao Pai que enviasse o Espírito Santo (João
14.16). No livro de Atos vimos então a promessa se cumprindo.
Pentecostes era uma festa instituída no livro de
Levítico (23.15s) e comemorada anualmente pelos judeus. Era também chamada de
Festa das Semanas, e sua celebração se dava 50 dias (por isso
"pentecostes") depois da Festa das Primícias ou Festa dos Primeiros
Frutos. A Festa das Primícias era comemorada sempre no dia seguinte ao shabat (sábado) após a
Páscoa. Assim caía sempre no primeiro dia da semana, pois o shabat é o sétimo dia.
Portanto, quando Jesus ressuscitou no primeiro dia da semana, ele se tornou “as
primícias dos que dormem” de acordo com a interpretação de Paulo (1 Coríntios
15.20). Cinquenta dias depois era então comemorada a Festa de Pentecostes, de
acordo com o calendário dos israelitas.
Naquele dia todos os que haviam seguido e aceito a
Jesus estavam reunidos num só lugar. Nessa ocasião aconteceu um fenômeno
totalmente fora do controle dos presentes ali. Vários sinais são presenciados.
Poderíamos aqui analisar cada um deles para tirar alguma lição, mas fato é que
aquele acontecimento foi um evento histórico, único e universal. Nunca se
repetirá dessa forma. Assim como a morte de Cristo não se repete continuamente,
mas foi única e definitiva, o derramamento do Espírito também o foi.
Ao invés de olhar para os sinais, seria mais
oportuno olharmos para o resultado daquele evento: “todos ficaram cheios do
Espírito” (verso 4). Ser cheio do Espírito Santo significa o “controle do fiel
pela presença e o poder do Espírito Santo, para ser capaz de viver submisso à
vontade de Deus”.
Neste sentido, você está cheio do
Espírito Santo?
(Fonte: Presente Diário 18)
Bible reading:
All were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2.4).
in the old testament the prophets Joel (2.28),
Isaiah (44.3) and Ezekiel (36.26-27) announced that one day the Holy Spirit was
poured out on the people of God. John the Baptist reaffirmed that promise
(Marcos 1.8; Matthew 3.1-12) and, finally, Jesus confirms that that would
happen (John 7.37-39), including beseeching his father to send the Holy Spirit
(John 14.16). In the book of acts we've seen then the promise coming true.
Pentecost was a party established in the book of Leviticus (23.15 s) and
celebrated annually by the Jews. It was also called the feast of Weeks, and its
celebration was 50 days (hence "Pentecost") after the feast of
Firstfruits or feast of first fruits. The feast of Firstfruits was always
celebrated the day after the Shabbat (Saturday) after
Easter. So I keep falling off on the first day of the week as the Sabbath is the seventh day. Therefore, when Jesus was
resurrected on the first day of the week, he became the firstfruits of those
who have fallen asleep "in accordance with the interpretation of Paul (1
Corinthians 15.20). Fifty days after was then celebrated the feast of
Pentecost, according to the timetable of the Israelites.
That day all those who had followed and accepted Jesus were gathered in
one place. On that occasion there was a phenomenon wholly outside the control
of those present there. Various signs are presented. We could here analyze each
of them to take a lesson, but fact is that event was a historic event, unique
and universal. Never happen again that way. As well as the death of Christ is
repeated continuously, but it was unique and definitive, the outpouring of the
spirit was too.
Instead of looking at the signs, it would be more appropriate to look at
the result of that event: "everyone was filled with the spirit" (verse
4). Be filled with the Holy Spirit means the "control of the faithful by
the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit, to be able to live in submission
to the will of God".
In this sense, you are filled
with the Holy Spirit?
(Source: Daily Present 18)
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